Multigun Monthly Matches

Last Chance Handgunners will be hosting Multigun matches between April and September, on the 4th Sunday of every month.

Rules and Divisions

Here is link to a document explaining the rules and different divisions we adhere to, with the addition of a 2-Gun Division. 2-Gun can be shot using Scoped Tactical Division rules, but is only shot with rifle and pistol, omitting shotgun. Details on divisions will be available on Practiscore’s match listings.

2017 3-Gun Rules

The Multigun crew at LCHG is highly inclusive and encourages all shooters, no matter skill level or experience, to come out and shoot.  We are more than willing to assist anyone who wants to shoot multigun.  Don’t worry if you don’t have all the equipment, just bring what you own, and come have some fun!

Pre-Registration and cost

All Multigun matches require pre-registration via Practiscore.  Links to sign up for each match can be found below and registration will open one month prior to the date of the match.  

The cost for each match is $20.00 per competitor.  LCHG highly encourages you to pay in advance via Practiscore.  By paying in advance via Practiscore, you greatly reduce the administrative burden on the Match Director the day of the match. Check-in will begin at 0830 the day of the match followed by a shooter’s meeting at 0900.  Registration links may be found at:

Stages and Round Count

In an attempt to create diverse and interesting matches, each match will consist of either 3 or 4 stages.  The round count for all of our matches, on average, will be 75 rifle, 75 pistol, 75 birdshot. If the match is only 3 stages, the shooter can expect, on average, 25 rounds per gun, per stage.  If the match is 4 stages, the shooter can expect, on average, 18 rounds per gun, per stage.


MONTHLY MATCH SETUP will take place the day prior to the match (Saturday) at 1500.  Matches only exist because of the help we receive, so please make it a point to come help setup.  If you help setup your match fee will be reduced to $5.  If you pay the full match fee of $20 and then help setup, please let me know and I will refund you the difference.  It’s very easy to refund money, all you have to do is let me know.

Questions? Contact Jonathan at: [email protected]